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9/17/20 | WEBINAR : Following Jesus in Election Season (Part 3) Until All Are Free, None Are Free

9/17/20 | WEBINAR : Following Jesus in Election Season (Part 3) Until All Are Free, None Are Free


The historical harm of White Evangelicalism, and the theology that it’s built upon, is being exposed on United States soil in tragic and visceral ways. Image-bearing human beings have literally been (and continue to be) killed as a result of theological justification and a “God-ordained” pursuit of power.

As Everyday Peacemakers embracing a Conflicted Allegiance, we can no longer endorse nationalism or embrace the status quo. There are real people being impacted by our diseased theology everyday in the United States and across the world. These are the stories often overlooked as we debate partisan politics or remain paralyzed by the fear of hard conversations that may upset our family members or congregations.

In this webinar we will meet those who are directly impacted by the ways we choose to engage our nation-state as Everyday Peacemakers. They are the voices of the community of God who are speaking to those of us in power today. Just like the prophets of the Hebrew Scriptures called on those in power to repent and return to God, so to are these remarkable peacemakers inviting us toward a better way.


Lisa Sharon Harper – host of podcast Reclaiming My Theology


From Ferguson to New York, and from Germany and South Africa to Australia and Brazil, Lisa Sharon Harper leads trainings that increase clergy and community leaders’ capacity to organize people of faith toward a just world. A prolific speaker, writer and activist, Ms. Harper is the founder and president of, a consulting group dedicated to shrinking the narrative gap in our nation by designing forums and experiences that bring common understanding, common commitment and common action. (read full bio on her website here)


Karen Gonzalez 


Karen Gonzalez is a speaker, writer, theologian, and immigrant advocate, who herself immigrated from Guatemala as a child. Karen is a former public school teacher and attended Fuller Theological Seminary, where she studied theology and missiology. For the last 12 years, she has been a non-profit professional, currently working for World Relief, an organization in Baltimore, MD that serves immigrants and refugees. She wrote a book about her own immigration story and the many immigrants found in the Bible: The God Who Sees: Immigrants, The Bible, and the Journey to Belong (Herald Press, May 2019). She also has bylines in Sojourners, Christianity Today, The Christian Century, Christ and Pop Culture, and others. You can find her on Twitter and Instagram musing about theology: @_karenjgonzalez or at her website


Jon Huckins – Co-Founding Director of  The Global Immersion Project


Jon is the Co-Founding Director of The Global Immersion Project; a peacemaking training organization helping individuals and communities move toward conflict equipped to heal rather than to win. He writes for numerous publications including USAToday, Red Letter Christians, Sojourners, and RELEVANT, and has written three books of his own; his latest being Mending the Divides: Creative love in a Conflicted World.  Jon has a master’s degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in theology and ethics. He lives in San Diego with his wife, Jan, three daughters (Ruby, Rosie & Lou) and one son (Hank) where they co-lead an intentional Christian community seeking to live as a reconciling presence in their neighborhood of Golden Hill.

Connect with him on TwitterInstagram or his personal blog