9/10/20 | WEBINAR : Following Jesus in Election Season (Part 2) Beyond a Theology of Nationalism or Passive Withdraw

9/10/20 | WEBINAR : Following Jesus in Election Season (Part 2) Beyond a Theology of Nationalism or Passive Withdraw

Many of us inherited a Christian worldview that presumed the success of the United States was synonymous with the advance of God’s mission in the world. Others of us inherited a worldview that understood the Church as apolitical, a “We don’t talk about politics, we just talk about Jesus” mentality.

The former is nationalism and the latter is insular privilege.

In this webinar – with Brandi Miller, Shane Claiborne and Reggie L. Williams – we will explore the theological roots that have led to such harmful ends. We’ll also be offering a way forward that is reflective of our kingdom citizenship and mandate to leverage our influence in the political systems on behalf of those on the underside of power. If we are to engage the election season as Everyday Peacemakers, it starts here.


Brandi Miller – host of podcast Reclaiming My Theology


Based out of Seattle, Brandi Miller is the host of Reclaiming My Theology, a space to take our theology back from ideas and systems that oppress. She is a staff member and justice program director with a college campus ministry and works at the intersection of faith, justice, and politics.

Shane Claiborne – speaker, activist and author


Shane Claiborne is a prominent speaker, activist, and best-selling author. Shane worked with Mother Teresa in Calcutta, and founded The Simple Way in Philadelphia. He heads up Red Letter Christians, a movement of folks who are committed to living “as if Jesus meant the things he said.” Shane is a champion for grace which has led him to jail advocating for the homeless, and to places like Iraq and Afghanistan to stand against war. Now grace fuels his passion to end the death penalty and help stop gun violence.

Reggie L. Williams – Professor of Christian Ethics

Dr. Reggie Williams (PhD, Fuller Theological Seminary) is Associate Professor of Christian Ethics at McCormick Theological Seminary.

Dr. Williams’ research interests include Christological ethics, theological anthropology, Christian social ethics, the Harlem Renaissance, race, politics and black church life. His current book project includes a religious critique of whiteness in the Harlem Renaissance. In addition, he is working on a book analyzing the reception of Bonhoeffer by liberation activists in apartheid South Africa.

Dr. Williams received his Ph.D. in Christian ethics at Fuller Theological Seminary in 2011. He earned a Master’s degree in Theology from Fuller in 2006 and a Bachelor’s degree in Religious Studies from Westmont College in 1995. He is a member of the board of directors for the Society for Christian Ethics, as well as the International Dietrich Bonhoeffer Society. He is also a member of the American Academy of Religion and Society for the Study of Black Religion.

Jon Huckins – Co-Founding Director of  The Global Immersion Project


Jon is the Co-Founding Director of The Global Immersion Project; a peacemaking training organization helping individuals and communities move toward conflict equipped to heal rather than to win. He writes for numerous publications including USAToday, Red Letter Christians, Sojourners, and RELEVANT, and has written three books of his own; his latest being Mending the Divides: Creative love in a Conflicted World.  Jon has a master’s degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in theology and ethics. He lives in San Diego with his wife, Jan, three daughters (Ruby, Rosie & Lou) and one son (Hank) where they co-lead an intentional Christian community seeking to live as a reconciling presence in their neighborhood of Golden Hill.

Connect with him on TwitterInstagram or his personal blog jonhuckins.net