The Church in Power webinar - blog

4/30/2019 WEBINAR: The Church in Power: A History of Revenge or Reconciliation

4/30/2019 WEBINAR: The Church in Power: A History of Revenge or Reconciliation

Throughout history, the Western Church has often found itself at the center of imperialism, colonialism and violence. When in the seat of power, the Church has made a mess of our world and compromised its collective witness as a community called to participate with God in restoring all things…to make peace.

Often receiving less attention are the ways the Church has modeled a subversive, cross-shaped faith that is reflective of the peace made real in Jesus.

In this webinar, we enter into conversation with scholar Dr. Greg Boyd to ask why the Church has often been on the side of violence and explore ways it has chosen the path toward peace. For many of us today, we feel paralyzed by the pain of our world and cynical about ways the Church has perpetuated it.

In this webinar, we we will build a path forward that isn’t marked by revenge, but reconciliation…and understand that we aren’t building something new, but simply being reminded of who we’ve been all along.


Greg Boyd – internationally recognized theologian, preacher, teacher, apologist and author.


Greg has authored or co-authored 20 books and numerous academic articles, including his best-selling and award-winning Letters From a Skeptic and his recent books Repenting of Religion and The Myth of a Christian Nation. His apologetic writings and public debates on the historical Jesus and the problem of evil have helped many skeptics embrace faith, and his writings and seminars on spiritual transformation have had a revolutionary, freeing impact on thousands of believers.

Greg passionately believes that faith and reason are not mutually exclusive, but that the mind and heart were made for congruity. He boldly defends a Christian faith that embraces science, rejects religion, transcends politics and nationalism, and that calls for a radical, socially engaged form of discipleship defined by the self-sacrificial love of the Cross.

Greg is the co-founder of Woodland Hills Church in St. Paul, Minnesota where he serves as Senior Pastor


Jon Huckins – Co-Founding Director of  The Global Immersion Project


Jon is the Co-Founding Director of The Global Immersion Project; a peacemaking training organization helping individuals and communities move toward conflict equipped to heal rather than to win. He writes for numerous publications including USAToday, Red Letter Christians, Sojourners, and RELEVANT, and has written three books of his own; his latest being Mending the Divides: Creative love in a Conflicted World.  Jon has a master’s degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in theology and ethics. He lives in San Diego with his wife, Jan, three daughters (Ruby, Rosie & Lou) and one son (Hank) where they co-lead an intentional Christian community seeking to live as a reconciling presence in their neighborhood of Golden Hill.

Connect with him on TwitterInstagram or his personal blog