Waging Peace through your Year-End Gift

Waging Peace through your Year-End Gift

We want to share with you a powerful affirmation of our work that is fueling a dynamic expansion in 2014.

After presenting on the work of Everyday Peacemaking in D.C. this fall, we were invited to dinner by the leaders of two of the largest, most influential evangelical churches in the United States.

One leader said, “I’ve never heard a more compelling, intelligent, and practical framework for peacemaking than what you offered today.”

Another chimed in with, “When you were training us, I sensed that the room was filling with the aroma of Jesus.”

As the conversation continued, we discovered that both churches had Reconciliation and Peacemaking as defining values, yet neither of them knew how to shift these values from aspirational to realized. They gave voice to a national problem that needs to be solved in declaring: “We have no idea how to form peacemakers, but you do. Will you help us?”

Our answer is, “Yes!” and we need your help.

In 2014, we are more than quadrupling our capacity to form Everyday Peacemakers in 2 dynamic ways:
1.  We are expanding from one Learning Lab into the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict to three!
2.  We are building our first domestic Learning Lab around what has become one of the most conflict-inducing, polarizing issues within our country: Immigration.

You can be a part of waging peace by helping us expand our capacity in 2014.  Will you give a year-end gift today? Simply click here, and select “The Global Immersion Project” from the drop-down menu.

With gratitude & anticipation,

Jer Swigart & Jon Huckins
Co-Founding Directors, The Global Immersion Project
@globalimmerse @jerswigart @jonhuckins