Throughout this season of Lent, our Peace Fellows will offer weekly reflections that will guide us as we confess our complicity, reject the temptations of power, and move toward one another in love. Watch for those reflections, delivered once a week on our blog throughout Lent and join the conversations on Instagram and Facebook.
I often find it easy to overlook the power of community – deep connection with those around us in life. Recently I have been drawn to a new perspective through an unusual word — “withness.” Merriam-Webster defines withness as “the state of being close or connected; close association or proximity.”
This season of Lent offers us another opportunity to slow down and reflect on the image of Jesus being Emmanuel, “God with us.” We consider not just the baby held in Mary’s arms, but the present Spirit here today. God promises to come and be among us and make God’s active love known to us. We, then, are invited to be a loving presence with others, and we’re even challenged to care for our neighbor, especially the neighbor who may be tricky to be around.
John 1:14 says, “The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (NIV).
When I was a young adult I taught swimming lessons to children. What joy I had watching these individuals grow in their freedom in the water, splashing, floating, diving under, and relaxing in the pool as I spent time with them.
As I recently reflected on this experience I noticed two distinct ways of being with these young swimmers. I could stand on the edge of the pool shouting commands, instructions, or encouragement. While that was effective at times, offering a view from above and a way to see multiple swimmers at once, it also had limitations.
Often a more helpful mode was to actually get in the water with them as a presence, guiding, directing, and supporting.
I remember one child who carried fear and anxiety because of trauma connected to water. It took a few weeks to even get them to come and sit on the pool’s edge. A gentle, kind approach with them in the water allowed them to become comfortable and grow in trust as we worked together. What a gift to see them transform over the weeks, blowing bubbles, learning to float, and laughing with joy.
I need others to be in “the pool” alongside me, sensing and knowing the anxiety I carry and being willing to hold it with gentleness and love. I also long to be a presence of life and compassion in the swirl that often seems to flood our existence today. I wonder who you might invite to be with you as a calming presence. Who is it that you can be honest with and trust to support you without shame or condemnation? Who might you come alongside with support and encouragement as well?
Jesus promises us he’ll never leave us or forsake us and invites us to let Spirit’s life and love flow in and through us. The world desperately needs people to step into the choppy waters on behalf of others. May we be open to the withness of Jesus as we seek to be a living presence of love and withness to others.

Steve Fawver is co-lead pastor at Wayside Friends Church in Newberg, Oregon. As a welcoming and affirming Christ-following Quaker community, they strive to live out justice in this world. He enjoys gardening, being outdoors, hosting guests in their Airbnb, and being a Spiritual Director. Steve is a Global Immersion Peace Fellow and a 2024 Leadership Cohort alum.