5/19/2020 – Letters to Everyday Peacemakers | You Are Enough

5/19/2020 – Letters to Everyday Peacemakers | You Are Enough

How many of you find yourself constantly asking the question, “Am I doing enough?” In this season of shifting expectations around our presence and productivity alongside observing so many experiencing pain and loss, it’s an easy question to get hung up on. There is no precedent for this moment in recent history. 

While there is often a holy instinct connected to our desire to “do,” it can also be an obstacle to this important truth: YOU ARE ENOUGH. 

Just as you are. 

In your tears. Your confusion. Your anger. Your sadness. Your loneliness. Your insecurity. 

You are enough. 

This is a season that is forcing us out of an economy of production that often leads to a false sense of identity rooted in our “doing” rather than our “being.” We are children of a God whose love for us is found in our inherent belovedness, not our production. 

The journey to living into this truth is long. But it’s ultimately the only path toward wholeness. And it’s out of this wholeness that we are liberated into participation with God. 

“What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all voyages of discovery, and without it, all the rest are useless.” – Thomas Merton

Jon Huckins – Co-Founding Director of The Global Immersion Project


Jon is the Co-Founding Director of The Global Immersion Project; a peacemaking training organization helping individuals and communities move toward conflict equipped to heal rather than to win. He writes for numerous publications including USAToday, Red Letter Christians, Sojourners, and RELEVANT, and has written two books of his own; his latest being Thin Places: Six Postures for Creating and Practicing Missional Community. His upcoming book, Mending the Divides: Creative Love in a Conflicted World, releases September 2017. Jon has a master’s degree from Fuller Theological Seminary in theology and ethics. He lives in San Diego with his wife, Jan, three daughters (Ruby, Rosie & Lou) and one son (Hank) where they co-lead an intentional Christian community seeking to live as a reconciling presence in their neighborhood of Golden Hill.

Connect with him on TwitterInstagram or his personal blog jonhuckins.net