[button new=”yes” title=”Click HERE to download HARD CONVERSATIONS guide” link=”https://globalimmerse.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/How-to-Have-Hard-Conversations-Guide.pdf”]
Five minutes on social media or watching the morning news and it is abundantly clear that we don’t know how to constructively engage those we disagree with.
Because we often see conflict as a battle to win rather than a relationship to heal or grow, we either run away from hard conversations or move toward them in unhelpful ways. We have to do better as contending alongside and on behalf of those on the margins requires wading into the deep waters of hard conversation. We desperately need tools to do this well.
When we prioritize relationship, we can stay rooted in our convictions while avoiding falling into the trap of unhelpful us/them and left/right binaries. Through it all, we believe moving into these conflicted spaces not only grows relationship, it forms us into healthier human beings who participate in God’s restorative work in the world.
Download the HOW TO HAVE HARD CONVERSATIONS guide for tips and tools to start building your capacity for these necessary and often healing conversations.

Register for our upcoming webinar to dive deeper into the topic and gain even more tangible tools.
[button new=”yes” title=”Click HERE to register for the hard conversations webinar” link=”https://globalimmerse.org/blog/webinar-conversations/”]