10 Years of Everyday Peacemaking: The Critical, Often Overlooked Work Every Peacemaker Must Do

10 Years of Everyday Peacemaking: The Critical, Often Overlooked Work Every Peacemaker Must Do

On a trip to the Middle East, a Christian nonprofit leader came face-to-face with the reality each of us who desire to be Everyday Peacemakers must confront.

Before we diagnose conflict from afar, we must examine ways we might be part of the problem.

The Christian leader began this particular immersion trip to Israel-Palestine feeling confident in his leadership back home. He thought about problems with his staff but was certain he understood the problems, that his team needed help, and that he knew how to help if they’d just let him.

As the trip progressed, though, the leader’s confidence softened. The more he listened and asked questions, the more humble his outlook became.The more he listened to Israeli peacemakers and humbly considered the needs of people back home, the more he understood the first, most essential step of any peacemaker’s journey: looking inward.

As a dominant culture white man, this nonprofit leader hadn’t been asked to consider his own role in the suffering of others. He was the ‘good guy’—all the super-action-hero movies and stories of his culture said so.

By listening to Israeli peacemakers—dominant culture in their country—the Christian leader saw a beautiful example of men and women choosing to interrogate themselves and consider the blood on their own hands. 

One former Israeli soldier confessed his complicity in the oppression of his neighbors. Another shared that, because he hadn’t inherited the eyes to see the humanity and image of God in his Palestinian neighbors, he had perpetuated their pain.

The Christian leader returned home fundamentally changed. He reentered his workplace with confessional humility and vulnerability. By understanding that he is part of the problem, he was empowered to also become part of the restoration so desperately needed around him.

But it starts by looking inward. It isn’t easy, but it’s work we all must do!

As our co-founder, Jer Swigart, put it:

“We don’t create environments where we tell you what to do, we create environments where you can discover how you need to grow.”

As we look back on moments like this where lives were changed and everyday peacemakers were born over the past 10 years, we’re asking you to help us look forward to the next ten! Would you sign up to give $10 per month to help fund the next 10 years? Check the link below to sign up, and thanks for helping make transformative moments like this one possible!

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Author: Matt Willingham

Matt Willingham is a writer, photographer, and content creator with over ten years experience living and working in some of the hardest-hit conflict zones in the world. He and his wife, Cayla, are now based in San Diego where they’re raising three little peacemakers and working to promote empathy and understanding in their community.
