
Restoring Friendship: A Five Part Webinar Series

Restoring Friendship: A Five Part Webinar Series

Human lives are not the only casualties connected to the pandemic. Differing perspectives on faith, politics, race, and even vaccinations have caused many to terminate relationships with family, friends, neighbors, and colleagues.

Has our ability to navigate hard conversations, tend to interrupted relationships, and bridge differences into new friendships is degenerated?

Is our tendency to cancel those on the other side of an issue is intensifying? Has our commitment to interdependence is diminished?

It is our hunch that Restoring Friendships may be among the most radical and worthwhile efforts of our time. Everyday Peacemakers take this work seriously.

In this five-part webinar series, we’ve invited five global peacemakers to reflect on how they prioritize relationships, tend to interrupted friendships, and build uncommon alliances. Register today for one or all of these personal and poignant conversations that will leave you equipped to restore the divided friendships in your life.


Australian Peacemaker, Jarrod McKenna’s non-violent tactics have echoed around the globe. The fusion of faith and uncommon friendships is what drives him to get creative in love. In this session, we’ll gain practical tools for increasing proximity with and growing empathy for those who are marginalized by power.


Access Part 1 Here 

As a pastor, author, and Minneapolis-based peacemaker, Osheta Moore ensures that her neighbors, others, and enemies have a seat around the table of change. In this session, we’ll gain practical tools for navigating interpersonal conflict with both conviction and invitation.



Access Part 2 Here


From the streets to executive suites, Oakland-based peacemaker, Rev. Ben McBride is committed to finding common ground. In this session, we’ll gain practical tools for addressing and bridging the “us vs. them” divides that exist within our families and friendships.


Access Part 3 Here


Faced with the choice between revenge and reconciliation, Israeli peacemaker, Robi Damelin chose and continues to choose the latter.In this session, we’ll gain practical tools for the slow work of transforming enemies into friends.


Access Part 4 Here


As a theologian, poet, and peacemaker, Irishman Pádraig Ó Tuama focuses on the power of language to restore broken relationships. In this session, we’ll gain conversational tools for disarming everyday conflict and repairing interrupted relationships.


Access Part 5 Here