Nothing Short of a Miracle: Exciting Developments!

Nothing Short of a Miracle: Exciting Developments!

Our Israeli and Palestinian peacemaker friends are on the front lines of this most recent surge of violence in the Middle East.  Thousands are looking to them for hope in the midst of the suffering.  As we’ve reached out to them, we’ve found them resilient and hopeful as always, but equally discouraged, fatigued, and in desperate need of rest.

As an organization built on and around the value of long-term relationship, we couldn’t help but ask ourselves, “What if we could convene these world-class peacemakers for a 3-day retreat in Amman, Jordan?  What if we could join them in a time of lament, story, prayer, and encouragement?”

After asking our peacemaker friends if they thought a retreat like this would be helpful, they responded with a resounding, “Yes!”

Because our TGIP Learning Lab alumni has been deeply impacted by the work, witness and friendship of our peacemakers in Israel/Palestine, we reached out to them casting the vision for this all-expenses paid retreat.  They responded immediately with courageous generosity that nearly funded the entire initiative.

On October 20th, the 4 J’s (Jon, Jer, Jac, Jan) head over to Amman for this first of many Peacemaker Retreats.  This is a tangible example of TGIP’s philosophy: we train everyday peacemakers by creating opportunity’s to learn from our friends who are waging peace within global conflict.  What a unique opportunity to demonstrate and to grow our friendship in this way.

As we have communicated with other peacemakers in our various Learning Labs, we are learning of a common desire for this kind of Peacemaker Retreat.

We would ask you to join us in two ways:

1. We have had to raise 100% of the funds to pull this off and, as mentioned, our TGIP alumni has covered the majority. With that said, we are still $3000 short of what is needed. Would you make a contribution to fully fund this Peacemaker Retreat and ones like it in the future? CONTRIBUTE HERE

2. Pray for our time in Amman with our friends from Israel/Palestine. May it be a time of healing, deepened friendship and renewed conviction for each of them to continue in their work of peacemaking in this difficult season.

Towards peace,
The TGIP Team